
麦电网 来源:麦电网 作者:麦电网 2019-11-20

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麦电网讯:2019年11月14日,由上海功佳信息咨询有限公司(ACI Events)主办,世界生物质能协会(WBA)支持的 2019第三届国际生物质能峰会在上海成功召开。


现在中国拥有丰富的生物质能资源(理论生物质能资源50亿吨左右),市场发展潜力巨大。《生物质能发展“十三五”规划》指出,到2020年,生物质能产业新增投资约1960亿元。借着国家政策红利东风,中国生物质能源产业正向着高能效、高附加值、低能耗方向发展。在未来的能源结构中,生物质能将扮演越来越重要的角色,为我国能源产业优化、可持续发展奉献大能量。麦电网受邀参加此次峰会并采访了SHV能源的生物燃料总监Rebecca Groen 。下面是麦电网记者对Rebecca Groen的采访:


A: Throughout our experience of 20 years being in China  we have continued to innovate and look for the best solutions for our customers. We believe that the next 20 years will continue to show great opportunity for new energy sources from feedstock including biomass,waste and other residues.



A: We see a lot of potential in China - there is scale,there is feedstock,there is a great basis for science & the willingness to innovate! There' s also quite a strong NEED since air quality and fuel security are two important issues for the country. We want to do our part to make sure that biofuels for all offgrid,efficient energy is optimized.China has an opportunity to use the local feedstock to produce biofuels locally for use locally. This is quite unique.

答:中国的生物质燃料发展有很大的潜力—丰富的原材料、强大的科学基础和创新能力! 同时,因面临空气质量和燃料安全这两大重要问题,国家对于生物质能源的需求也是相当大的。我们希望可以为生物质燃料的优化利用贡献一份力量。中国在发展生物质燃料可以实现燃料产地化生产利用-当地生产供当地使用,这是非常独特的优势。


A: There's a global push to look at limiting emissions from industry. This is a challenge in the short term .but we believe it will become a strong opportunity in the long term as it  opens up a whole new carban rich source of feedstock. Many countries are exploring how to manage this at the moment and‘ recycled’products including biofuels are gaining momentum.



A: Collection of used cooking oil is an area of opportunity.Used cooking oil is collected from most industrial /commercial venues but not yet from homes.  This causes problems in a lot of countries - there's even a piece of ‘fat berg’ the grease that clogged up the London sewer system in a museum in London! If all this used cooking oil globally could be collected and used for biofuels,that would be a much better solution.


问: 5、对于促进生物质能行业的健康发展您能给几点建议吗?

A: Government policies,consumer preferences and industrial needs all need to come together to make biomass energy一certainly for biofuels一a priority.This is what has happened in many European countries and we believe will also be an opportunity here in China.

